After going to Harvard Law School, Obama returned to Chicago, where he briefly headed a voter registration drive and then became a lawyer. While Obama’s campaign has touted him as a civil rights lawyer, “Over the nine years that Obama’s law license was active in Illinois, he never handled a trial and mostly worked in teams of lawyers who drew up briefs and contracts in a variety of cases,” according to David Mendell’s “Obama: From Promise To Power.”
A review of the cases Obama worked on during his brief legal career “shows he played the strong, silent type in court, introducing himself and his client, then stepping aside to let other lawyers do the talking,” the Chicago Sun-Times has reported.
“A search of all the cases in Cook County Circuit Court in which Obama made an appearance since he graduated from Harvard in 1991 shows: zero,” the article said.
Instead, his practice was “confined mainly to federal court in Chicago, where he made formal appearances in only five district court cases and another five in cases before the 7th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals — a total of 10 cases in his legal career,” the paper said.
If Obama had virtually no impact as either a community organizer or as a lawyer, he was even more invisible in the state Senate and later in the U.S. Senate.
In both bodies, Obama had a reputation for voting “present,” thus avoiding controversial decisions that could be used against him later. In the U.S. Senate, he has missed more than one in five votes.
Only one of the measures Obama has sponsored as a U.S. senator was enacted: a bill to “promote relief, security, and democracy in the Democratic Republic of Congo.”
Contrary to Obama’s portrayal of himself as a unifier, on every bipartisan effort in the Senate to forge compromises on tough issues, Obama has been missing in action.
In sum, it would be difficult to imagine a more mediocre record. Most candidates for dog catcher have contributed more to society. Yet with the help of adoring reporters, Obama has managed to parlay extraordinary speaking and political skills into a presidential campaign built on sand.
The idea that America might entrust its security and future to someone who has never demonstrated an ability to get anything of significance done is scary.
I could post more. Maybe I will later. Although, I feel like it's a waste of time because people will continue to make excuses for this man. The man who "doesn't agree" with the views of his (racist) pastor. However, he's been going to that church for 20+ years, had the man perform Obama's marriage ceremony, as well as admitting that Reverend Wright was his inspiration for his book, "The Audacity of Hope". And if he honestly doesn't agree with the what Mr. Wright says and believes...then would he continue to go there? Or better yet..why not have the "audacity" to stand up and say something about it?
And don't even get me started on the newest talk about Ludacris and Obama...haha.
1 comment:
Joel and I both enjoyed your rant. I especially enjoyed the Rev. Wright section I couldn't agree with you more.. if you "practice what you preach" and your preacher is practicing things you don't like or preaching things you don't like then why attend his church??
Good for you for not going along with our liberal media!!!
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