Tuesday, June 24, 2008

don't lose sight of yourself. (jumping around in topics today)

There has yet again been a blogging drought in my life. I've been so frazzled lately with everything. Between trying to find a place to life in Nashville, finishing up album artwork for clients, trying to get more clients, figuring out the best lenses to buy and preparing myself for only my third wedding come this July 5th, I've found little time to post. I confess, I have been meaning to do a more thoughtful (serious) post due to the books I've read or am currently reading. I really want to sit down and "spill the ink from my pen" but I just haven't had the time to give it the attention it deserves. But soon enough I will give my thoughts to this page about the book "Sex God" by Rob Bell. I have been hearing a lot of messages about sex/love/relationships lately. More than I would actually prefer to hear at this point and time in my life due to just feeling uneasy about it. But for some reason or another it is coming up much more frequently and it's making me want to pry into the topic more. But like I said, I will give a much more devoted post to that in the not too distant future.

In other news, I've been trying to sort through my folders on my computer and get my music more organized. Although, I'm sure if you could see my music you would say that it is already quite organized but I am sort of anal about things like that. As well as my photos. So I've slowly been sifting through those things and making a more efficient setup. Here are a few photos of some recent shots I've taken. Nothing too amazing but I have been getting new equipment piece by piece.

The colors are slightly off due to the fact that the originals get crapped on once you upload them. Therefore, I have to oversaturate them to try to get the original as close as possible. It is quite frustrating to say the least.



Another random topic I'd like to touch on is littering; specifically cigarette butts. Honestly, this is the most annoying thing to me. I literally get pissed off when I see some jackass flicking his cigarette out the window of his car. And it is getting to the point where I am very close to getting out of my car picking it up and throwing it back into their car. How is it that people so blatantly litter and it isn't really thought about. Yes, I know there are bigger problems out there. But just because it isn't deemed as a big problem to most people doesn't mean it should be ignored. I hate littering is all senses. I am just pointing out cigarette butts because that seems to be the most prevalent form of littering.

"It is estimated that several trillion cigarette butts are littered worldwide every year. That's billions of cigarettes flicked, one at a time, on our sidewalks, beaches, nature trails, gardens, and other public places every single day. In fact, cigarettes are the most littered item in America and the world. Cigarette filters are made of cellulose acetate tow, NOT COTTON, and they can take decades to degrade. Not only does cigarette litter ruin even the most picturesque setting, but the toxic residue in cigarette filters is damaging to the environment, and littered butts cause numerous fires every year, some of them fatal."

If you litter....you already suck, in my book. And yes, that is a big deal.


J.G.B.D. said...

I hate people that throw away their cigarette butts carelessly, but I myself do it a lot. The difference is that I flick my cigarette butts aiming at the bin and I generally fail. But I only started smoking last year. I'll get better.

Anonymous said...

The second most littered item has to be fast food items, (napkins, burger wrappers, fry containers, bags, straws, etc.)

I have this theory that the amount someone litters has a correlation to economic status. I'll have to explain it to you sometime. Basically, we are agreed: if you litter you are a low-life.